Classical Landscape, 3rd November 2015

with a calm.jpgClassical landscape was much popular particularly in the 17th and 18th century. Mostly from French artists, economic migrants that started to live in Rome, the capital of the world for it’s Classical art at the time (and probably, still now).

Landscape with a calm, 1650

The castle represents the grand, wealth of this life he is capturing.
The herds of sheep represent a following (where the phrase ‘you are like a sheep’) of something, maybe capturing Italy’s growth in economy and in art.
Or perhaps  this figure (probably showing a figure that is meant to be a shepherd) that is herding the sheep represents the guarding of the sheep, looking after them – which brings warmth and happiness to the painting. It can also be seen a ‘working life’ which finds the harmony between the two of ‘wealth; from the castle and the delicate, looked-after landscape; and the not-so idealistic life that the shepherds have.
I find that there is a strong sense of light in the painting.

Nicolas Poussin, The landscape of the body of Phoia carried out of the Athen in 1648

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